JQuery, JavaScript Free Download EBook | JQuery, Javscript tutorial online

JQuery, JavaScript Free Download EBook 

In the previous articles i have given one beautiful JQuery Book with free of cost. This is also one of the good JQuery and Javascript tutorial, which we get online free of cost. Please check below chapters and list of examples of the book.

Source Site: http://jqfundamentals.com/book/book.html 

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Javascript and JQuery CHAPTERS

  1. Welcome
  2. JavaScript Basics
  3. jQuery Basics
  4. jQuery Core
  5. Events
  6. Effects
  7. Ajax
  8. Plugins
  9. Performance Best Practices
  10. Code Organization
  11. Custom Events

List of Examples

  1. Example to usage of inline JavaScript
  2. Example for including external JavaScript
  3. A simple javscript variable declaration
  4. Whitespace has no meaning outside of quotation marks
  5. Parentheses indicate precedence
  6. Tabs enhance readability, but have no special meaning
  7. Concatenation
  8. Multiplication and division
  9. Incrementing and decrementing
  10. Addition vs. concatenation
  11. Forcing a string to act as a number
  12. Forcing a string to act as a number (using the unary-plus operator)
  13. Logical AND and OR operators
  14. Comparison operators
  15. Flow control
  16. Values that evaluate to true
  17. Values that evaluate to false
  18. The ternary operator
  19. A switch statement
  20. Loops
  21. A typical for loop
  22. A typical while loop
  23. A while loop with a combined conditional and incrementer
  24. A do-while loop
  25. Stopping a loop
  26. Skipping to the next iteration of a loop
  27. A simple array
  28. Accessing array items by index
  29. Testing the size of an array
  30. Changing the value of an array item
  31. Adding elements to an array
  32. Working with arrays
  33. Creating an "object literal"
  34. Function Declaration
  35. Named Function Expression
  36. A simple function
  37. A function that returns a value
  38. A function that returns another function
  39. A self-executing anonymous function
  40. Passing an anonymous function as an argument
  41. Passing a named function as an argument
  42. Testing the type of various variables
  43. A function invoked using Function.call
  44. A function created using Function.bind
  45. A function being attached to an object at runtime
  46. Functions have access to variables defined in the same scope
  47. Code outside the scope in which a variable was defined does not have access to the variable
  48. Variables with the same name can exist in different scopes with different values
  49. Functions can "see" changes in variable values after the function is defined
  50. Scope insanity
  51. How to lock in the value of i?
  52. Locking in the value of i with a closure
  53. Using a closure to access inner and outer object instances simultaneously
  54. A $(document).ready() block
  55. Shorthand for $(document).ready()
  56. Passing a named function instead of an anonymous function
  57. Selecting elements by ID
  58. Selecting elements by class name
  59. Selecting elements by attribute
  60. Selecting elements by compound CSS selector
  61. Pseudo-selectors
  62. Testing whether a selection contains elements
  63. Storing selections in a variable
  64. Refining selections
  65. Using form-related pseduo-selectors
  66. Chaining
  67. Formatting chained code
  68. Restoring your original selection using $.fn.end
  69. The $.fn.html method used as a setter
  70. The html method used as a getter
  71. Getting CSS properties
  72. Setting CSS properties
  73. Working with classes
  74. Basic dimensions methods
  75. Setting attributes
  76. Getting attributes
  77. Moving around the DOM using traversal methods
  78. Iterating over a selection
  79. Changing the HTML of an element
  80. Moving elements using different approaches
  81. Making a copy of an element
  82. Creating new elements
  83. Creating a new element with an attribute object
  84. Getting a new element on to the page
  85. Creating and adding an element to the page at the same time
  86. Manipulating a single attribute
  87. Manipulating multiple attributes
  88. Using a function to determine an attribute's new value
  89. Checking the type of an arbitrary value
  90. Storing and retrieving data related to an element
  91. Storing a relationship between elements using $.fn.data
  92. Putting jQuery into no-conflict mode
  93. Using the $ inside a self-executing anonymous function
  94. Event binding using a convenience method
  95. Event biding using the $.fn.bind method
  96. Event binding using the $.fn.bind method with data
  97. Switching handlers using the $.fn.one method
  98. Unbinding all click handlers on a selection
  99. Unbinding a particular click handler
  100. Namespacing events
  101. Binding Multiple Events
  102. A basic use of a built-in effect
  103. Setting the duration of an effect
  104. Augmenting jQuery.fx.speeds with custom speed definitions
  105. Running code when an animation is complete
  106. Run a callback even if there were no elements to animate
  107. Custom effects with $.fn.animate
  108. Per-property easing
  109. Using the core $.ajax method
  110. Using jQuery's Ajax convenience methods
  111. Using $.fn.load to populate an element
  112. Using $.fn.load to populate an element based on a selector
  113. Turning form data into a query string
  114. Creating an array of objects containing form data
  115. Using YQL and JSONP
  116. Setting up a loading indicator using Ajax Events
  117. Creating a plugin to add and remove a class on hover
  118. The Mike Alsup jQuery Plugin Development Pattern
  119. A simple, stateful plugin using the jQuery UI widget factory
  120. Passing options to a widget
  121. Setting default options for a widget
  122. Creating widget methods
  123. Calling methods on a plugin instance
  124. Responding when an option is set
  125. Providing callbacks for user extension
  126. Binding to widget events
  127. Adding a destroy method to a widget
  128. An object literal
  129. Using an object literal for a jQuery feature
  130. The module pattern
  131. Using the module pattern for a jQuery feature
  132. Using RequireJS: A simple example
  133. A simple JavaScript file with dependencies
  134. Defining a RequireJS module that has no dependencies
  135. Defining a RequireJS module with dependencies
  136. Defining a RequireJS module that returns a function

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